Troubleshooting Common Disease Of Pears - How To Treat Sick Looking Pear Trees

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Troubleshooting Common Disease Of Pears - How To Treat Sick Looking Pear Trees
Troubleshooting Common Disease Of Pears - How To Treat Sick Looking Pear Trees

Video: Troubleshooting Common Disease Of Pears - How To Treat Sick Looking Pear Trees

Video: Troubleshooting Common Disease Of Pears - How To Treat Sick Looking Pear Trees
Video: Common Problems with Growing Pear Trees 2024, Plaub Hlis Ntuj

Tsev pears yog ib qho khoom muaj nqis tiag tiag. Yog tias koj muaj tsob ntoo pear, koj paub tias lawv qab zib thiab txaus siab npaum li cas. Hmoov tsis zoo, qhov qab zib tuaj ntawm tus nqi, raws li cov ntoo pear muaj kev cuam tshuam rau ob peb yam yooj yim kis kab mob uas tuaj yeem so lawv tawm yog tias tsis kho. Mus nyeem ntawv kom paub ntau ntxiv txog cov kab mob pear thiab kev kho mob.

Cov Kab Mob Sib Kis ntawm Pears

Muaj ob peb yam kab mob uas pom tau yooj yim ntawm cov txiv pears. Ntawm cov no, hluav taws kub hnyiab yog qhov phem tshaj plaws, vim nws tuaj yeem kis tau sai heev. Nws zoo nkaus li cankers uas xau tawm ib qho ooze ntawm ib qho lossis txhua qhov ntawm tsob ntoo, paj, thiab txiv hmab txiv ntoo. Qhov chaw nyob ib ncig ntawm lub canker yuav siv rau ntawm qhov muag dub lossis kub hnyiab, yog li lub npe.

Fabraea nplooj ntoos, nplooj nplooj blight, thiab qhov chaw dub yog tag nrho cov npe rau kev sib kis ntawm cov xim av thiab cov pob dub uas tsim rau ntawm nplooj thaum lub caij ntuj sov thiab ua rau lawv poob. Cov pob tuaj yeem kis tau rau cov txiv hmab txiv ntoo.

Pear scab manifests nws tus kheej li cov tawv nqaij dub / ntsuab ntawm cov txiv hmab txiv ntoo, nplooj, thiab twigs uas tig grey thiab tawg nrog hnub nyoog. Kev sib kis tshwm sim ib zaug thaum lub caij ntuj sov thiab ib nrab ntawm lub caij ntuj sov.

Sooty blotch tshwm li cov smudges dub ntawm daim tawv nqaij ntawm cov txiv hmab txiv ntoo. Ua rauKev saib xyuas cov neeg mob saib cov ntoo pear, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog thaum lub caij ntub dej, vim tias feem ntau hom kab mob pear tshwm thiab kis thaum lub caij los nag thiab cov av noo siab.

Yuav ua li cas kho mob Zoo Saib Pear Trees

Txoj kev zoo tshaj plaws rau kev kho kab mob hauv pears yog kev huv thiab tshem tawm txhua qhov cuam tshuam ntawm tsob ntoo.

Yog tias koj cov txiv pear qhia pom tias muaj hluav taws kub hnyiab, txiav tawm cov ceg uas muaj cov tsos mob ntawm 8-12 ntiv tes (20.5-30.5 cm) hauv qab lub canker, tsuas yog cov ntoo noj qab haus huv xwb. Tom qab txhua qhov txiav, ntxuav koj cov cuab yeej hauv 10/90 daws ntawm tshuaj dawb / dej. Nqa cov ceg tshem tawm kom deb ntawm koj tsob ntoo kom rhuav tshem lawv, thiab saib xyuas koj tsob ntoo kom muaj kab mob tshiab.

Rau ob nplooj nplooj thiab cov kab mob pear, tshem tawm thiab rhuav tshem tag nrho cov nplooj poob thiab txiv hmab txiv ntoo kom txo tau tus kab mob kis mus rau lub caij cog qoob loo tom ntej. Siv tshuaj tua kab mob fungicide thoob plaws lub caij cog qoob loo tom ntej thiab.

Sooty blotch cuam tshuam tsuas yog cov tsos ntawm cov txiv hmab txiv ntoo thiab yuav tsis ua mob rau koj tsob ntoo. Nws tuaj yeem raug tshem tawm ntawm ib tus neeg pears nrog txhuam, thiab daim ntawv thov ntawm fungicide yuav tsum txwv tsis pub nws kis.

Vim cov kab mob no kis tau los ntawm kev ya raws, ntau txoj haujlwm tiv thaiv tuaj yeem ua tau yooj yim los ntawm kev ua kom cov nyom nyob ib puag ncig luv luv thiab pruning tsob ntoo ceg kom tso cua mus.

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