American Sycamore Ntoo Vs. London Plane Tsob Ntoo

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American Sycamore Ntoo Vs. London Plane Tsob Ntoo
American Sycamore Ntoo Vs. London Plane Tsob Ntoo

Video: American Sycamore Ntoo Vs. London Plane Tsob Ntoo

Video: American Sycamore Ntoo Vs. London Plane Tsob Ntoo
Video: We Love the American Sycamore... 2024, Plaub Hlis Ntuj

tsob ntoo London dav hlau (Platanus × acerifolia) yog tsob ntoo siab, ntxim nyiam tab sis ntxhov siab uas yog ib txwm nyob hauv Europe. Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) yog tsob ntoo American dav hlau. Lawv yog cov txheeb ze uas nyuaj qhia sib nrug.

Nyob Teb Chaws Asmeskas Sycamore

Dab tsi yog tsob ntoo tawv ntoo loj tshaj plaws hauv North America? Yog hais tias koj twv tus American sycamore, koj yog lawm. Nws tua txog 140 ko taw (42.6 m.) siab nrog exfoliating bark, muab tsob ntoo saib camouflaged. Cov tawv ntoo sab nrauv yog xim av, thiab sab hauv yog rov qab dawb, ntsuab lossis daj. Qhov no yuav tsum pab nrog kev txheeb xyuas tsob ntoo sycamore.

Sycamore nplooj loj heev, mus txog 10 ntiv tes (25 cm.) hla. Lawv muaj lobes thiab cov leeg tshwj xeeb. Fuzzy nyob rau hauv qab, txhua nplooj muaj ob peb cov hniav loj nrog rau lub hauv paus o uas muaj ib sab bud. Poj niam paj tsim tsob ntoo tus yam ntxwv txiv hmab txiv ntoo pob.

Koj yuav tsis pom ib haiv neeg Asmeskas cov sycamores hauv Minnesota. Tab sis txwv tsis pub, tsob ntoo loj hlob hauv txhua lub xeev sab hnub tuaj ntawm Great Plains. Saib rau hauv cov av tiaj tus nyob ze cov kwj deg thiab cov dej ntws. Nws hlob zoo hauv cov av loamy, tab sis kuj zam cov av ntub dej.

Meet the London Plane Tree

Vim cov sycamore nyob hauv tsev neeg lub dav hlau, lub dav hlau London tsob ntoo thiab cov sycamore yog cov txheeb ze. Qhov tseeb, sycamore yog ib qho ntawm "niam txiv" ntawm covLondon dav hlau tsob ntoo, ib tug hybrid uas ua rau tus ntoo khaub lig ntawm sycamore thiab oriental cog ntoo (Platanus orientalis).

Lub dav hlau London tsob ntoo hybrid tau xav tias tau tshwm sim hauv 1600s. Tau ntau pua xyoo, tsob ntoo no tau nrov hauv cov nroog loj nyob sab Europe thiab qee lub nroog Asmeskas, suav nrog New York thiab San Francisco. Nws yog ib qho nyuaj rau kev paub qhov txawv ntawm American sycamore, muab nws lub cev siab thiab exfoliating bark.

Click Here For More Trees

London Plane Tsob Ntoo vs. Sycamore

Txawm hais tias American sycamore thiab London dav hlau tsob ntoo zoo sib xws, qhov no yuav tsum tau muab rau lawv tsev neeg kev sib raug zoo. Yog tias nws yog ib qho tseem ceeb los txheeb xyuas tsob ntoo hauv koj lub vaj ua ib lossis lwm qhov, ntawm no yog qee qhov tseeb koj yuav tsum siv los ua koj thawj koom ruam.

  1. Yog tias nws cog rau hauv lub nroog loj, nws yuav zoo li yog tsob ntoo dav hlau London. Cov ntoo no tau cog ntau dua li cov sycamore vim lawv xav tias yuav tiv taus ntau dua rau Anthracnose.
  2. Txawm li cas los xij, yog tsob ntoo loj hlob raws tus kwj dej lossis hauv qab av nyob rau sab hnub tuaj Tebchaws Meskas, pov npav rau sycamore. Nov yog thaj chaw sycamore.
  3. Saib tsob ntoo. Ob leeg exfoliate, tab sis lub hauv qab ntawm lub dav hlau London tsob ntoo yog cov txiv ntseej ntsuab loj, thaum lub sycamore yog ib tug sib tov ntawm dawb, cream, ntsuab, thiab grey.
  4. Saib cov txiv ntoo. Lub dav hlau London tsob ntoo dais ob qho tib si thaum lub sycamore ib tug stalk.

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