Green Apple Tree Cultivars - Xaiv Thiab Loj hlob txiv apples ntsuab

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Green Apple Tree Cultivars - Xaiv Thiab Loj hlob txiv apples ntsuab
Green Apple Tree Cultivars - Xaiv Thiab Loj hlob txiv apples ntsuab

Video: Green Apple Tree Cultivars - Xaiv Thiab Loj hlob txiv apples ntsuab

Video: Green Apple Tree Cultivars - Xaiv Thiab Loj hlob txiv apples ntsuab
Video: Valve Song: COUNT TO THREE ■ feat. Ellen McLain (official GLaDOS), The Stupendium & Gabe Newell 2024, Plaub Hlis Ntuj

Ob peb yam tuaj yeem kov cov txiv apples tshiab, nkig, tawm ntawm tsob ntoo. Qhov no yog qhov tseeb tshwj xeeb tshaj yog tias tsob ntoo yog nyob rau hauv koj lub tiaj nraum qaum tsev, thiab yog hais tias lub txiv apples yog tart, qab ntau yam ntsuab. Loj hlob txiv apples yog ib txoj hauv kev zoo kom txaus siab rau cov txiv hmab txiv ntoo tshiab, thiab ntxiv qee yam rau lwm hom txiv apples uas koj twb tau nyiam.

Txaus siab rau txiv apples uas yog ntsuab

Kua txiv hmab txiv ntoo uas ntsuab muaj cov lus qhia ntau dua thiab tsw qab dua li cov xim liab. Yog tias koj nyiam txiv apples ntawm txhua hom, ntsuab ntau yam muaj lawv qhov chaw. Lawv saj zoo heev thaum noj nyoos thiab tshiab, ib yam li khoom noj txom ncauj.

Lawv kuj ntxiv cov khoom qab qab thiab cov tsw tshiab rau cov zaub nyoos thiab yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws counterbalance hauv qab rau ntsev, nplua nuj cheeses xws li cheddar thiab xiav cheese. Slices ntawm ntsuab txiv apples tuav tau zoo nyob rau hauv qhaub cij thiab siv tau nyob rau hauv ci kom sib npaug lub qab zib tsw ntawm lwm cov txiv apples.

Green Apple Tree Cultivars

Yog tias koj tau txais kev tshoov siab kom ntxiv ib lossis ntau hom txiv apples rau hauv koj lub vaj tsev, koj muaj ob peb txoj kev xaiv zoo:

Granny Smith: Qhov no yog cov kua ntsuab classic thiab ntau yam uas txhua tus xav txog thaum xav ntsuab. Hauv ntau lub khw muag khoom noj, qhov no yogtib lub kua ntsuab koj yuav nrhiav tau. Nws yog ib qho tsim nyog xaiv thiab muaj ib tug tuab nqaij uas yog heev tart. Lub tart tsw tuav tau zoo hauv kev ua noj thiab ci.

Ginger Gold: Cov kua no ntsuab rau xim kub thiab tau tsim hauv Virginia xyoo 1960. Nws tau pom loj hlob hauv ib lub vaj txiv ntoo ntawm Golden Delicious ntoo. Cov tsw muaj tartness ntau dua li Golden Delicious, tab sis nws yog qab zib dua li Granny Smith. Nws yog ib qho zoo, tshiab-noj txiv apples uas ripens ntxov dua lwm yam.

Pippin: Pippin yog ib yam qub neeg Asmeskas, rov qab mus rau 1700s. Nws tuaj ntawm ib tug pip, uas yog ib lub caij nyoog seedling, ntawm ib tug ua liaj ua teb nyob rau hauv Newtown, Queens. Nws yog qee zaum hu ua Newtown Pippin. Pippins yog ntsuab tab sis tej zaum yuav muaj streaks ntawm liab thiab txiv kab ntxwv. Qhov tsw yog tart mus rau qab zib, thiab vim nws cov nqaij tawv, nws zoo li ua kua txiv apple.

Crispin/Mutsu: Cov Japanese ntau yam yog ntsuab thiab loj heev. Ib lub txiv apple feem ntau ntau dhau rau ib tus neeg. Nws muaj qhov ntse, tart, tab sis tseem qab zib qab thiab noj zoo tshiab thiab thaum ci los yog siav.

Antonovka: Qhov qub, Lavxias teb sab ntau yam ntawm txiv apples yuav nyuaj nrhiav, tab sis tsim nyog yog tias koj tuaj yeem nqa koj txhais tes ntawm tsob ntoo. Keeb kwm nyob rau hauv thaum ntxov 1800s, lub Antonovka txiv apples yog ntsuab thiab bracingly tart. Koj tuaj yeem noj cov kua txiv hmab txiv ntoo yog tias koj tuaj yeem ua tau, tab sis cov no yog cov txiv apples zoo rau kev ua noj. Nws kuj yog ib tsob ntoo loj hlob nyob rau hauv cov huab cua txias, vim nws nyuaj dua li ntau yam.

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